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August 31 - Newsblog #1
Your Injury Attorneys in the News: Homeowner and Wife Sue over Police Shooting


concept for drink driving

Are there more accidents on New Year’s Eve than at other times? Just ask AAA or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; the answer is a big “yes”!

It’s all about DUI. The National Safety Council estimates that 384 people could die on U.S. roads this New Year’s holiday period (since New Year’s Day itself is on a Friday, this year, the holiday period extends from 6PM on Dec. 31 to 11:59 P Sunday Jan. 3). A small ray of light is offered in that NSC estimates that 152 near-fatalities will be avoided over the 2021 New Year’s holiday because of the auto occupants’ wearing of seat belts.

In the spirit of “an-ounce-of-prevention-is-worth-a-pound-of-cure”, at Ramey & Hailey Law, we wanted to issue an ounce of warning to our blog readers along with our wishes for a happy and healthy New Year….

Unfortunately, the 384 deaths are just the tip of the New Year’s holiday auto accident iceberg. The estimate of nonfatal medically consulted injuries resulting from crashes during the holiday period is 43,800!

If you are involved in an accident, remember Indiana Code Title 9, which lists things the operator of a motor vehicle must do after being involved in an accident:

  1. Immediately stop your vehicle as close as possible to the scene of the accident.
  2. Remain at the scene, giving your name, address, and vehicle registration number to any other person involved in the accident.
  3. If anyone else was hurt or entrapped, provide reasonable assistance to that person.
  4. Give notice (or ensure that another person gives notice) of the accident to one of the following: 911, local police department, office of the county sheriff, or the nearest state police post.

“Driving is one of the most statistically dangerous things you can do,” cautions drivesafely.com. “While you can’t control other drivers on the road, the weather, or wildlife, you can increase your chances of being able to avoid a car accident by improving your driving skills”.

To all our readers we say, “Take care of yourselves over the New Year’s holiday weekend, and have a happy and healthy 2022!

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