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August 31 - Newsblog #1
Your Injury Attorneys in the News: Homeowner and Wife Sue over Police Shooting


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After more than 40 years representing injury victims, we need to remind Ramey & Hailey clients that it is no simple matter to bring a product liability lawsuit against a manufacturer. In an earlier blog post, we described a consumer who lost his case because the Indiana Supreme Court ruled that he had failed to follow the directions and warning that had come with the product.

A current investigation into Tesla autopilot crashes may lead to lawsuits in which the courts will be weighing the responsibility of drivers against the responsibility of the car manufacturer. As a Tesla spokesperson reminded IndyStar readers:

“Certain advanced driving assistance features can promote safety by helping  drivers avoid crashes and mitigate the severity of crashes that occur, but as with all technologies and equipment on motor vehicles, drivers must use them correctly and responsibly.”

Just one of at least eleven incidents countrywide, the 2019 Indiana accident happened when a Tesla crashed into a parked firetruck on I-70 killing a 23-year old.

At Ramey & Hailey Law, we, help people who have been injured through the use of a product recover monetary damages for their losses. But, because Indiana is a “comparative fault” state, we must be able to show that your own lack of reasonable care in using that product has not contributed to your loss.

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